Friday, September 30, 2016

United as One - Rising like the Phoenix from the Fire

Deep under earth of the Yucatan lies a network of underground rivers, which open only to recieve a glimpse of sunlight in various places; we call them cenotes. Anais and I passed our morning diving into the depths of 'Grand Cenote,' past stalactites and stalagmites, and contemplated existence with our turtle friends. On the sandy bank of the centote, the combination of Anais' voice and medicine drum sent me into a deep state of Tai Chi meditation ~ flowing with the mist of the golden, morning sun Rays.

Why am I living in Tulum, one might ask? Simple. I fell in love with a Mexican woman. I do appreciate the simplicity of life: tacos, coconuts, sandy toes, Caribbean blue, motorcycle rides through the jungle, silent beach sunrises, and dancing salsa under the moonlight; though, lately, with the bliss has come mental agony. And I remember, why am I really

The answer is simple: Anais was stopped at the Texas border for being a potential threat to national security and deported back to Mexico - banned from the US for 5 years. When I received her '1 phone call,' my heart sank - for I could feel the fear and stress that she was experiencing. My heart felt heavy for all of humanity, as Anais is a true bringer of the light. My mind wandered back to Greece, where Anais and I watched thousands of refugees flee war, risking their lives through perilous conditions. The refugees typically rejoiced upon arriving to the promised land of Europe; usually my body cringed knowing many of them would immediately be sent back home.

Open the borders - bring back freedom to live on our Mother Earth. The more walls we build and security we create, the more we isolate ourselves and the farther from truth we live. It is our birthright to live in harmony and co-create with one another on this earth. We have been enslaved to a system we created - one that rewards trickery and savage behavior.

Now, Anais and I are experiencing the reality of United States "Homeland Security." She had a visa (actually 2 of them - Spanish and Mexican), and all of her papers were in order. She never overstayed a visit to the United States and did not engage in illegal activity. We did travel to Egypt, Israel, and many other countries that may have raised a 'red flag.' Is speculation enough to deny a woman entry into our country? What have we become?

So, here we are. Is part of me enraged? Yes, everyday. Though it typically turns to sadness as I look around at the current state of humanity. We continue to bomb Syria, displacing millions and killing hundreds of thousands. The profound culture of Tibet continues to slowly die. Civil unrest is rampant throughout Africa. Central America is filled with crooked officials and drug runners. Suicide is now one of the top 10 causes of death for children in the United States. The list goes on...

Every morning I wake up knowing the current state of our world, and it makes me want to crawl in a ball and go back to sleep. I must get up - there is no end to dwelling in the darkness, I must create light from within. I get out of bed, hop on my motorcycle and sit on the wet sand waiting for the sun to rise. I pray with my voice, body, mind, and spirit for the healing and peace of all humanity. How will we ever overcome the beast we have created?

The Tibetan yogis used to travel to remote places to search for inner peace within their own minds; taking years, and sometimes a lifetime to fully explore the depths of our own consciousness. The Tibetan communities supported these pioneers, allowing them to fully live the life of an ascetic. Sometimes I feel the draw of this lifestyle, as I know Mother Earth to be the greatest teacher, healer, and nourisher. Service and co-creation with people continues to pull me back into society.  Now, I am sitting in a square box full of conditioned air, while dreaming of living free, breathing crisp air on a mountaintop and drinking mineral rich spring water.

There is only so much one human being can accomplish sitting at a computer, let alone in this human flesh. United as one we can move mountains. To fully step into the paradigm shift of the Aquarian Age, the tipping point must be reached in the favor of Love. This should be done now, since we have a bunch of trigger-happy banksters calling the shots...literally.

My vision is to create a space where children gather to connect to Earth, learn practical skills, grow and cultivate food together, create art in any form they wish, share myth and stories, and grow into world leaders of peace, love, truth, and freedom. The seed has been planted. As it is being tended with attention and care, it is beginning to sprout.

Next summer, I will launch a Yoga & Wilderness therapy program for teens with Sat Nam Foundation. With a group of professional guides, we will lead small groups into the wilderness of Maine and root into the earth, open our hearts to Great Spirit, and send our prayers to the heavens. The program will be called "Wild Awakening."

As we all begin shining our own lights, let us remember to connect with one another and share our ideas and resources. If you are on the path of light, I call upon you to join me in prayer for peace. No matter how dark the night is, a flame always brings comfort, warmth and light. Let us connect, united as one.

Update - New blog:

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